What is Sports Podiatry?

What is Sports Podiatry

Sports Podiatry involves the assessment and management of all lower leg injuries, not just for those that play sport.

Sports Podiatrists are trained to perform biomechanical assessments to identify the function of the foot and lower leg and the effect that it has on the rest of your body.

This includes assessing foot and ankle joint range of motion, muscle and ligament testing, footwear assessment & walking/running gait analysis using slow motion video feedback.

Active Health Podiatry aims to restore the natural function of your feet so that you can continue to lead an active, happy & healthy lifestyle. Our Podiatrist Craig Robertson has over 18 years of clinical experience treating lower limb pains & injuries including Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Bunions, Knee pain, Ankle Injury, Achilles Tendinopathy and Metatarsalgia.

Craig prides himself on providing a holistic approach to podiatry care, incorporating a number of treatment techniques tailored to each individual to restore the natural function of their feet. These techniques include Orthotic Therapy, Foot Mobilisation Techniques, Dry Needling, Foot & Ankle Exercises and Footwear Education.

Craig’s friendly and professional approach allows him to provide his clients with a comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of their injuries, and educate them through every step of the treatment plan to promote a full recovery & return to their sport or activity.

If you would like to make an appointment with our Podiatrist please phone the clinic on 02 6925 7734.