Exercise Right Week 2023: Advocating for Exercise Physiology and Seeking the RIGHT Advice

Exercise Right Week, an annual campaign organised by Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA), has once again proven to be a resounding success in 2023. This year's theme, "Seeking the RIGHT Advice," aimed to raise awareness about the crucial role of exercise physiology in promoting overall health and well-being. 

Throughout Exercise Right Week, the Exercise Physiology (EP) team at Active Health Riverina made it their mission to advocate for exercise physiology as a vital component of healthcare. We engaged with other allied health professionals within our practice, conducting workshops and presentations to highlight the importance of exercise physiology in the management and prevention of various health conditions. By sharing our expertise, we aimed to bridge the gap between exercise professionals and other healthcare providers, fostering collaboration and a more holistic approach to patient care.

Recognising the immense reach and influence of social media, we utilised platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to educate the wider community about exercise physiology and its benefits. We covered topics like the role of exercise in chronic disease management, strength training, return to sport, women's health, as well as older Australians and falls. By sharing evidence-based information, we aim to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and inspire them to seek the right advice from exercise professionals.

Video: A day in the Life of an Exercise Physiologist

Video: Resistance Training

Video: Injury Assessment

Video: Falls Prevention (Senior Australians)

The campaign served as a catalyst for conversations surrounding exercise as a powerful tool for improving health outcomes and enhancing quality of life. By providing valuable information and support, we helped individuals take charge of their own health journeys, emphasising the importance of seeking professional advice and guidance for their specific needs.

Exercise Right Week also provided a unique opportunity for collaboration within the allied health community. By engaging with other professionals, we fostered a better understanding of each other's roles and contributions, leading to more comprehensive care for patients. Through dialogue and knowledge-sharing, we created an environment that promoted interprofessional collaboration, paving the way for integrated healthcare approaches that prioritise exercise physiology as a vital component.

Exercise Right Week 2023, with its theme of "Seeking the RIGHT Advice," was undoubtedly a remarkable success. At Active Health Riverina, our team of passionate exercise physiologists worked diligently to educate fellow allied health professionals and the wider community about the immense benefits of exercise physiology. Through workshops, presentations, and social media engagement, we empowered individuals to make informed decisions about their health and emphasised the importance of seeking the right advice for their unique needs. As we reflect on the impact of this week-long campaign, we look forward to a future where exercise physiology continues to play a crucial role in promoting health, happiness, and overall wellbeing.