Workplace Injuries, Assessments and Wellbeing Programs

Pre-Employment Screening

Tests can be carried out either "pre-employment" - to aid in suitable employee selection or "post-employment" - to ascertain the employee's training needs in regard to manual handling, general fitness, flexibility or posture. Physiotherapy is able to assess the individual needs of your work(ers) demand and design the appropriate screening tests to assess job suitability.

We have performed over 2500 pre-employment medical screenings and worked closely with both local and national industries in delivering this service

Post-Employment Screening

We can assist with any post-employment screening needs you might have.

Work related injuries

Active Health Riverina’s goal is to help patients return to work by managing work-related injuries in a way that minimises lost time and maximises productivity. We attempt to educate workers and managers on injury prevention. Vocational rehabilitation is aimed at assisting the individual to remain at or return to work.

Safe Manual Handling - Manual Handling injuries are a common cause of back pain. You can protect yourself against damage with better lifting habits, both at home and in the workplace. Physiotherapists are well trained in human movement. We understand how your muscles, bones, joints and ligaments work and how injuries happen. We can show you how to manage loads safely.
We can advise you and your employee's how to prevent injury with proactive workplace programs, assess your muscle strength and design an appropriate fitness program, and treat muscle, joint and ligament injuries to ensure a speedy recovery.

Workplace Assessments and Education

Work Rehabilitation programs are designed to benefit both the Employer and the Employee by helping people undergoing rehabilitation following occupational injury. The programs are designed for the individual patient and can involve a combination of a home exercise program, gymnasium work and/or aquatic therapy.

Early Intervention / Wellbeing Programs

Get in touch to find out more about our wellbeing programs.

Active Physio Physiotherapy Wagga
Active Physio Physiotherapy Wagga
Active Physio Physiotherapy Wagga